5 Benefits of Steel Wintering Barns

Innovative and efficient, steel wintering composting barns revolutionise the management of cows, optimising feed consumption, production consistency, and overall herd health. These barns not only redefine the way cows are housed during the colder months but also offer a myriad of benefits that extend well beyond traditional barn setups.


Step into a composting barn, and you'll notice a significant reduction in feed consumption among dry cows, typically ranging from 8-11 kg compared to the 14-18kg consumed on pasture. This streamlined feeding process not only saves on feed costs but also ensures better feed utilisation, minimising wastage and maximising nutritional intake.


Gone are the days of erratic production due to unpredictable weather conditions. Composting barns provide a stable environment, shielding cows from extreme temperatures and adverse weather events, thus maintaining a consistent production peak throughout the season. Moreover, the extended milking season facilitated by these barns enhances overall productivity and profitability.

Wintering barns also have the added advantage of controlled feeding which can offer a reduction in food consumption, thus providing further cost savings.

ProSteel Systems build: The Blackford Barn


Disruption of the pugging cycle is paramount for long term soil health during the winter and autumn months. Pugging has the potential to lead to lasting decreases in soil properties over time and with this comes the risk of decreased pasture production by 20 - 80% depending on the soil type, with effects lasting between 4 - 8 months (ledgard et al. 1996). Soil bulk density increases while the damage decreases pore size and hydraulic conductivity (Singleton & Addison, 1999).  Additionally, increased exposure to muddy conditions can contribute to common ailments such as lameness and mastitis.

Cycling herds into wintering barns keep animals and soil in optimal conditions year round. 

  1. Keeping cows off the land completely during autumn and winter could produce 20% more pasture growth annually.

  2. The composted bedding serves as a valuable organic fertiliser, enriching soil health and boosting crop or pasture yields.

  3. By minimising pasture damage through overgrazing or pugging, these structures offer significant cost savings over time. 

A field study by Massey University found that alternating cows from barns to paddocks allowing them to graze for four hours, twice a day and over three years reduced the nitrate leaching by 52%.

Wintering barns are essential structures for managing nitrate damage on soil. These barns assist in containing manure and urine which decreases nitrate leaching into the soil and allows the farmers to utilise nutrient management in a more strategic manner.


The impact of steel wintering composting barns extends far beyond the barn itself. Farmers often experience a remarkable uptick in production, with some achieving up to 120% of live weight in production within 2-3 years of barn installation. This enhanced productivity, coupled with cost savings, results in an impressive return on investment, typically ranging from 5-7 years.

For those considering the implementation of steel wintering composting barns, careful planning is essential and this is where the ProSteel team excel. Depending on herd size and desired functionalities, barn dimensions and configurations may vary. 

In conclusion, steel wintering composting barns represent a paradigm shift in dairy farming, offering a year-round approach to winter management that prioritises efficiency, productivity, and animal welfare. With their numerous benefits and impressive return on investment, these barns emerge as a cornerstone of modern dairy operations, paving the way for sustainable and profitable farming practices.


Comparing Construction: PEB vs. Conventional Steel Structures